Visionox and BOE have made breakthroughs in OLED technology, and the gap between Chinese and Korean OLED technology has narrowed sharply

The OLED technology gap between China and South Korea is narrowing, and South Korea must expand research and development to ensure technological differentiation, said Kim Young-seok, project leader of Display Innovation Process Platform construction, at the 2023 SID Review Seminar held at the Mitsui Hotel in Gangnam-gu, South Korea, on June 1.


Samsung Display Rollable-Flex


BOE 17" curling notebook products can curl up to 6.5 turns, the longest curling distance up to 272mm

Kim compared Samsung's Rollable-Flex display at SID to BOE's rollable product. "Samsung's display Rollable Flex exhibit has a maximum screen length of 245 mm (mm) and a diameter of 7mm, while BOE's Rollable exhibit has a diameter of 8mm," said Kim. "Just because they are on display [at the same time] doesn't mean the yield, mass production technology and reliability are the same, but the technology gap of the past three to four years is now close to that of Korea," he explained.

Visionox introduced its "Visionox Intelligent Pixelation (ViP)" technology at SID Display Week. ViP is an alternative to FMM, a mask used when depositing organic material on a substrate, with photolithographic based pixel patterning.

The technology was developed not only by Visionox but also by JDI in Japan under the name eLEAP. A Korean company is also working on a technology that does not use FMM, but it has not been released yet.

According to Mr. Kim, Visionox displayed ViP technology products at the SID that last six times longer and are four times brighter than before. The life and brightness of JDI eLEAP technology are three times and two times higher, respectively, but Vicinosa is superior.

Kim pointed out that South Korea's OLED industry has established technical barriers based on FMMS and has patents such as pixel structure on top of them, but the emergence of this technology could lead to a structural shift in the industry.

Considering that the technological gap between Korea and China has narrowed, Korea needs to strengthen its price competitiveness in the future. Companies such as Samsung Display and LG Display must improve their competitiveness by ensuring that their products are cost-effective. Apple recently announced that IT will use OLED in iPad, MacBook and other IT devices, which is expected to lead the display market, ensuring cost efficiency is more important.

"BOE's entry of low-temperature polysilicon (LTPS) panels into Apple models reversed Samsung Displays," Mr Kim said, adding that this was a phenomenon due to pricing policies where the technical competitiveness of the product itself may not come into play when there are monopolistic consumers.

Gestant Display Technology Co.,Ltd. could provide a series of LCD and OLED products, such as AMOLED ScreenPMOLED ScreenRound Display ScreenFlexible Display ScreenTFT LCDMono-LCD and Bar Display Screen. Customize PCBA/LCD/OLED/FPC/Backlight/Coverlens/TP solutions.

Gestant Display Technology Co.,LTD was founded in 2012 in Shenzhen China. Even, the founder of the company, has more than 15 years of rich experience in LCD display industry. He has been engaging in the basic research of LCD display technology in Japan since his graduate school and has been working in the flat panel display industry after graduation.

Proficient in the manufacturing process and technology development of LCD / OLED / polarizer, Even was also one of the members of China liquid crystal Association who has a senior industry background and supply chain resources. In the past three years, he assisted his shareholders in building factories, purchasing equipment,establishing production lines, and successfully obtaining ISO9001 and ISO14001 system certificates.

He has established good business relations with major panel manufacturers in China (BOE /Tianma / IVO /EDO / Visionox), and the glass supply is stable and sufficient.

Gestant Display's products are widely used in Smart wear,Smart home,Outdoor photography,IP phones, Medical care, Industrial control equipment, Automotive and Vehicle displays, Instrumentation, and other Information terminal applications which could offer long-term after-sale services(such as 2 years quality warranty, long-term supply) .